Monday, March 23, 2009

Someone should get Gary Goodyear's grade 11 science teacher on the phone

Federal minister of state for Science and Technology, Gary Goodyear is kind of a sly bugger. First, he refuses to answer whether or not he believes in evolution (too personal/irrelevant a question for the minister of Science and Technology). Then, given a chance to explain himself, he bumbles his way through admitting that, of course, he believes in evolution (can't you feel the wrath of God upon him?) but he follows this up with some weird explanation suggesting evolution has to do with high heels, chiropractors and the intensity of the sun. Now, I'm not really a 'science man' but I'm pretty sure his comments are a little kooky--and the barrage of experts jumping up to correct his statements tend to agree. Maybe he was trying (and failing) to make a joke--or maybe he truly believes what he said. But I think he's trying to pull a fast one on us. It seems that this Goodyear fellow might have been giving God the ol' wink and nudge: "Hey buddy," nods Gary, "I know I'm going on record telling these people I believe in evolution, but I don't mean it like they think I I can still come in, right?"

read more about this story here:

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